Originating over 2,500 years ago, cupping therapy utilizes specialized heated glass or medical-grade silicone cups, strategically placed over the skin. This method promotes enhanced blood circulation to targeted areas, while concurrently facilitating the expulsion of toxins and harmful substances. Not only is cupping a safe procedure, but it also offers a comforting experience. It can seamlessly complement Acupuncture, TuiNa, and Moxibustion, or stand firm as a singular treatment method.
Frequently employed in therapeutic settings, cupping has been recognized for its efficacy in:
Alleviating various pain types.
Addressing respiratory ailments.
Reducing cough and wheezing symptoms.
Boosting blood circulation.
Assuaging menstrual discomforts.
Why do Cupping sometimes leave marks?
The marks are just toxins and stagnant blood leaving your body. It always depends on each person. The marks can be dark purple or bright red, or you may not have marks at all.
It usually takes between 3 to 10 days for the marks to fade.